The classic up-do. It has been one of the longest trends but seems to be a temporary style - something to do for a social party or event, but not every day. The hollywood stars like Jessica Simpson and many others sport the updo for Awards banquets and such, but they have personal hair stylists that can have their hair back in whatever style they want the following day. This style is best suited for medium or longer length hair.
Hair stenciling for uniqueness - this has been hot overseas in Japan, Milan, Paris, and London and is starting to make its way into the U.S. This is where you or a stylist create a stencil which you then attach to your hair and you use glitter and paint to make a bold, brazen fashion statement. Everything from animal prints (like tiger stripes) to symbols have been used. This works on any length hair, but is more predominantly displayed on shorter hair. Stencils have been used frequently lately on Runway models in shows by Gucci, Calvin Klein, etc..
Created by Bonkkenk
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